
Management & Operations of Toyota


Leadership and management is an important skill for organization to develop their business knowledge for growth and development. Leadership quality is essential for each and every organization because an efficient leader is always managing the business activities A good leader is always influences to other people to give their best work for development and they can be achieved their desired goals and targets. Toyota is a leading organization to expanding their business in all over the world.

This organization is uses important theories to manage the leadership style and their specific operations of Toyota. This report is included different functions of leader and management in this organization. Leaders are connected with other team member to maintain their relationship between them. This report will determine the role and responsibilities of leaders and manager in the firm. Toyota is a fast growing organization to manage their production and improve the quality of product in market.

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P1. Comparing different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager

Leader and manager; both are important parts of organization to maintain the relationship with employees. They play an important role in the organization. There are different roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers towards the organization described as below:

Manager- Manager is playing an important role to perform a function for the growth and development. It will manage business operations to design an effective structure for improving the brand value in marketplace. Each and every organization has unique pre- determined objectives and goals of the organization.Manager is develop business strategy and planning to provide the services to their employee. They are mainly focused on performing different functions but managing all activities in effectively and efficiently (Yang and, 2017). They would maintain different functions in all the departments. They are always concerned about the performance and then give rewards according to the capabilities of people. The manager is concerned about the appraisal and performance.

Leaders- Leader motivates employees to achieve their goals and targets effectively and efficiently. They have leadership quality to manage the business processes and operations. They always try to achieving their goals and targets. Communication skill is an important quality in leader to interact with other employees and identify the capabilities of people. The main objective of leaders is to provide important information to their employees and it also determines capabilities ofemployee. A good leader provides the important details regarding the new products and business strategy, planning, etc. In this way, the employee will increase their profitability and productivity in marketplace.


  • Manager is essential part of organization that would be implementing a new strategy and planning for growth and development.
  • They are interacted with the other employees and the leader. It also measures the policies. Conditions etc (Ridwan and Murni, 2017).
  • They are provides the right information related the business and approaches.
  • They can be making a new idea for growth and development.
  • Manager is focus on the productivity and profitability of organization and time to time, it gives many opportunities to employee to share their opinion as well as ideas.
  • This is important person to interacted to other employee and people.


  • Leadership is very important quality in which it develops an effective plan by manager.
  • Leader is always communicated with their team member to provide the idea and innovation plans for growth and development.
  • It provides the right direction to team member (Majumde and Sarkar, 2017).
  • It is play an important role implementing an idea for innovation and development.
  • They are mainly focused on the employee and their development.
  • They are inspired and motivated to other people to achieve their goals and targets.

Toyota is a Japanese company that wouldbe dealing with the auto mobile part in the market and they would be manufacture an effective design for customer and their comforts. The management of Toyota is efficient to plan a new strategy for growth and development. The manager of Toyota is performing different tasks to provide information related to development and achievement. They are playing an important role and measure the capabilities of employees. Manager and leader of Toyota is establishing an effective business in all over the world. They have an efficient ability to achieve their goals and tasks.

P2. Role of leader and the function of a manager in the Toyota

The role of leader and function of manager is correlatedto each other because manager and leader are both try to achieve their objective for growth and development. They move from one direction to fulfil their objectives. There are various types of functions of manager that has leadership skills in Toyota to helpful for establishing the business in all over the world. Toyota is a leading organization but faces so many challenging tasks such as fuel price, increasing equipment and material, etc. Leadership is an effective quality to implement an innovative idea and perform different functions for development (Ailongand Qizhi, 2017). They can plan a new strategy that can be reduce the manufacture cost of the products.

There are various types of theories applicable in Toyota to increase their production in market and implement a new idea for development. Toyota is mainly focused on management and their operations that would be handled by the manager.

Functions of manager:

  • Making an effective strategy- Manager is playing important role to identifying the requirement of business and operations and then according to the need, they can be making an effective strategy and planning such as deals with the best supplier to provide a good raw material in very low price.
  • Specific goals achieved-the manger of Toyota to fixed some goals and objective and identifying the performance of employee in proper ways. It will always try to do their for development and improve the quality of production in marketplace.
  • Effective skills-manage of Toyota has special quality of skill to motivated their employee and provide the information related growth and development. This is important person to discuss about the growth and taking opinion to employee.

Role of Leader:

  • Adopt technology- Leader has unique quality to always focused on their task and operations. They adopted a new technology for increasing their profitability and proactivity in marketplace. An advancement of technology, the market value has been change and manufacturing the product in low cost.
  • Communication skill- A leader has a good communication skill to directly interacted with other employee to understand the requirement of people. With the help of this skill, it can be enhance their skill to improve their quality. This is very important skill for each and every organization to increasing their productivity (Melanderand Puthalath, 2018).
  • Change the opinion- Leader is very important role in Toyota to influence their worker to change their opinion regarding the marketing strategy and fulfil the requirement of business.

P3 Different theories and approach, including situational leadership, System leadership and contingency

There are various type of theories applicable in business process to planning a new strategy for growth and development. These models are affect the operations of Toyota that would be handle by the manager.

  • Situational Leadership- this leadership has depended upon the quality of capabilities and skills of worker in which a leader has always tried to influence and motivate the employee to achieve their goals. Every leader can be handle the situations according to their own way and that would be affecting the operational management of Toyota (ING, X2014). At modern technology is uses all organization that faces challenging issues in operations such as high cost of product, increase demand etc. this is very important leadership skill in organization to achieving their task.
  • System Leadership- this is very essential part of Toyota while leader always control the employee and their task because accoutring to the requirement of business strategy, it would be allocated that work some times, it is required to Chang the style of working and operations. It can implement a new idea to fulfil the requirement of organization that would be beneficial for growth and development (Hatch, 2018). The employee can be improve the quality of working and improve the performance of manufacture.
  • Contingency leadership- This is an effective leadership quality to matching all the situations for organizations. It can be emphasizes the importance of situation of leader and personality of leader that would be coordinating to other people. They are deals with the other people to provide an effective information. It motivated to employee for development and maintain the relationship with other employee.


P4 Different approaches of operational management and role of manager and leader

Toyota is very fast growing organization that would be distributed their business roles and responsibilities, duties etc. Operational management is very important part of organization to performing a various task to increasing their productivity in marketplace. Toyota is uses different strategies and planning in the form of theories to performed an efficient task by employees. It can be increases the level of competitions. There are many types of theories are discussed in given below:

  • Six sigma- Toyota is a leading brand that uses different techniques to managing the whole business environment. It will analyse the need of business as well as performance of employee. These theories are very important to finding the actual cause in business operations and defect in particular product that are available in market. They can be use an effective tool to minimizing the defect in product (.Mukrodi, 2018). This is very important part of organization using these theories to maintain the functionality and process of operations.

There are some important principles applicable for business operations and management

as discussed in given below:

  1. This theory is mainly focused on to identifying the requirement of customer and planning a new strategy for growth and development.
  2. Toyota is mainly identifying the operations and task of business process that would be beneficial for development.
  3. This organization is managing the whole business process and improving the performance of employee.
  4. This theory is reducing the fact and variation in business activities.
  • Lean theory-The Toyota is uses this theory to increasing the profitability and productivity in marketplace. This theory is applicable in first time in Toyota to increases the efficiency and it will improve the performance (Sudiarta, 2018). It is mainly focused to remove the waste product in the resources. In this way, the organization is utilising the waste product and time, resources. This theory is applicable to remove the waste material. They have an effective staff and team to managing the over all performance and improve the quality of product in marketplace.

Queuing theory- this theory is basically measured the mathematical approaches to analyse the delay time waiting time in development process. This is very helpful for finding the actual waiting time of element that would be included in arrival process and services process, number of customer and servers, places etc. The Toyota is always use this theory to increasing their performance in market to achieve their goals and objectives.

Effective roles of Manager and Leader

  • Role of Manager- Manager is very important person to handle the critical situations in very effective ways. This will mange the business operations, control and supervise the planning while different type of work has to be done by manager. It is essential part to identify the business requirement and element. It can be performing various task and functions in describe in given below:
    It can be conducting a various type of task and provide many opportunities to employee.
  1. They fix some goals and targets to achieve effectively and efficiently.
  2. It always motivates to other people.
  3. Develop a new strategy and planning for growth and development
  • Role of Leader-A leader is talented person to handle the team member ans provide the information related their goals an objective. They provide the helps for other team member and identifying the capabilities of each and every employee (Majumder and Sarkar, 2017). They are always plans according to customer and then fix a specific goal to move in a right direction. A leadership quality is acquired the specific skills to interacted with other people in proper manner. They have an effective communication skill to easily understand the need of client that would be helpful for organization while Toyota is hire those people who has capabilities to achieving their goals and targets effectively and efficiently. They have efficient leaders that would be managing the business process and operations in effective manner.

P5Importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives

The operation's management is play important role in the Toyota that has some specific goals and targets. It is an automobile organization that has proper management system that would be control by manager. It will handle the critical situation in effective ways because this organization recruit talented people has some capabilities and skill to improve the quality of services. Operational management is essential part of every business that handle the entire process and task in this organization. They are mainly focused on business strategy and planning to increase their productivity in marketplace (Popiţa and Popovic, 2017). They managing the staff member, handle all situations effectively and efficiently. There are various importance in the business operations and with the help of this importance, they can be increasing their profitability. There are some importance and roles of operations management in Toyota as follows:

  • Control- This is very essential benefits for organization to control their business activities and process. It can be control the risk in the process and reduce the power of obstructions. There are many types of obstruction in business process but the management operations is very important power that would be resolve the problem of employee, product, manufacturing etc. Further, they are creating an effective documentation to represented the whole business process is managed and identify the best factor that can be control the business process.
  • Capacity management- In Toyota, they have many departments and also has different roles in the task for each employee. In this way, they achieve their goals and objective, The business operations handle in very effectively. It can be utilities the management process to achieve their objectives. They use different techniques to easily completed the task in proper ways. Most of the organization is uses this technique because it is very helpful for growth and development. Toyota is achieving their goals by this business strategy.
  • Process design- Toyota is making an effective design that would be helping for client to understand the approaches of organization and it is very helpful for business environment that managing the process effectively and efficiently (Widiastuti and Indrawan, 2016.). These design can be represented in the form of chart and diagram to shown in proper ways.
  • Distribution- Manager is play important role in business management because they can be handle the situations in effective ways. They are always interacted with other employee to maintain an effective relationship. Toyota has those mangers to control the whole business process in proper way in which they have ability to handle in perfect way. This type of activities is useful to provide the accurate results and distributed their work
  • Teach to other employee- This is important role of management to provide the correct information and it can be teach the entire business process effectively. On other hand, the employee gain the information and knowledges through operational management. It provides many learning techniques to transfer the information from one company to another.

P6 Factors affect the business environment an impact on the operational management and taking a right decision by manager and leader

There are many factors impact on the operational management and decision making of manager and leader. These factors are discussed in given below:

  • Return on investment- Toyota is thinking about the profit and investment for the business process. This is very important factor for organization taking an efficient decision on the basis of approach. This management is planning a new approachto increasing the production in market and development (ANGRAINI, 2016).
  • Law and policies- Toyota is requiring an efficient rules and regulation that would be proposed by government. Every country has provided their own rights to all people and this is very important for organization and all companies would be following all rules and regulations.
  • Opportunity cost- This opportunity is increase the budget because of innovative ideas are implemented for product development. The cost of investment is also increases.
  • Resources availability- there are various important resources available for making an effective planning a taking right decision relation management and operations.

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This report will identify the important role and responsibilities of manager and leader in the organization. They are mainly focused on to planning a new strategy and approaches for growth and development. The leadership and management is important part of organization that would be have different role of leader and manager in the organization. This report will identify the operational management in Toyota that follows about theories and approaches that can be applicable in business planning. In this way, it improves the quality of product and production process maintain by manager. As per discussion, it concluded that they are mainly focused on to improve the performance of employee and it can be achieving their goals and targets. Leadership and management are both different role playing in this organization. Therefore, it is very important part of each and every organization.


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  • Ridwan, A., Kulsum, K. and Murni, S., 2017. Pengukuran Kinerja Supply Chain Dengan Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma Supply Chain Management (Studi kasus di PT ALX Logistics).Jurnal Industrial Services,3(1a).
  • Majumder, A., Guchhait, R. and Sarkar, B., 2017. Manufacturing quality improvement and setup cost reduction in a vendor-buyer supply chain model.European Journal of Industrial Engineering,11(5), pp.588-612.
  • Ailong, F., Xinping, Y. and Qizhi, Y., 2017. Modeling and Analysis of Ship Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator Based on the Monte Carlo Method.Naval Engineers Journal,129(1), pp.87-98.
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